Wholesale Rose Directory

Welcome to the Wholesale Rose Directory. Here you will find information about commercially produced cut wholesale roses specifically grown for the cut flower trade. This web site has been designed to make choosing wholesale rose varieties easier for Florists & Wedding Flower Enthusiasts.
(A special thanks to Triangle Nursery Ltd for their help in compiling this directory)

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Rimini Roses

rimini rose

The Rimini Rose is a stunning large headed, bright yellow rose with a full petal structure and beautiful shape. Rimini Roses are probably one of the nicest yellow roses available on the UK wholesale flower markets today - an extremely reliable rose to work with.

Rimini Roses are wholesaled in wraps of 20 stems. Stem lengths range between 60 and 90cm tall depending on the grade chosen.

If you are looking for a stunning large headed yellow rose, Rimini roses are a very good choice!

buy rimini roses - wholesale flowers